Thursday, June 05, 2008

much ado about everything

people ask me all the time, "how much do you think the average baby panda weighs?" having no idea how to respond, i blurt out something regarding a hot new band i like or cautionary tale about poisonous berries. considering it's usually the former, i figured i'd relate the same information without the rigmarole of waiting for someone to ask me to estimate the measurement of the gravitational force acting on a baby mammal. as my one-time roommate from minnesota might snarkily assert, "it's basic zoology." indeed, my ice-fishing friend, indeed it is.

recently, there have been a number of records that made me go, "oh, i wish i had a blog to write many great things about this record!". moments later, i realize i do, indeed, have a blog for that specific purpose and promptly drop whatever i'm doing to buy myself a celebratory confectionery treat.

Broken Social Scene Presents: Brendan Canning
classic BSS.

Chris and Mollie - The Palm Tree
thanks grace

David Ramos - This Up Here
a little bit folky, a little bit hip hop. a big sound with a dash of cuteness.

The Dodos - Visiter

from what i've heard, they put on a great live show. i can see why -- fun, fierce songs.

First Aid Kit - Plaits

uncluttered arrangements laced with top shelf vocals. each song seems to unfold into a beautiful, sprawling gem. riyl múm (and i know you do)

Frightened Rabbit - The Midnight Organ Fight
get really excited, then prepare to be broken down by scott hutchinson's sad scottish warble. great album.

Islands - Arm's Way

i like islands a lot. just try not to imagine yourself riding a jetski through flaming hoops and lassoing evil laser sharks while listening to "the arm"

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