Sunday, November 04, 2007

hello! it has been a while. i have heard your eternal clamoring for more audiosurface music-blog-nerdery from my private castle observatory nestled in the blue mountains of eastern washington . so, without further ado, here are new artists or albums i think are worth looking into:

Emily Jane White - Dark Undercoat myspace!
she sounds a lot like cat power. and that is a-ok in my book because i am love with chan. there, i've said it. also, this is her debut album and i can't really believe that.

Sigur Ros - Hvarf-Heim read about it here
new songs, old songs. all amazing, all the time.

Le Loup - The Throne Of The Third Heaven Of The Nations' Millennium General Assembly myspace!
this is a really great album. sort of like the books with more banjo and vocal harmonies.

on an unrelated note, i love learning about outer space and dreaming about iceland.

1 comment:

Joanna said...

Iceland is the best country to dream about. Even Geology makes me dream about Iceland. Also, I like this blog.