Thursday, March 08, 2007

Let's Go Sailing - The Chaos in Order 8.9/10

Let’s get the name dropping out of the way. Courtney Love once joined them onstage for a song, and the Flaming Lips played their demos at their shows in between sets. Singer/songwriter Shana Levy has performed with Rilo Kiley and Dios Malos. Tanya Haden, member of Silversun Pickups and wife to the more famous half of Tenacious D, plays cello on the album. Now, Let’s Go Sailing. This delightful indie pop outfit make songs about love and loss and they do it with the greatest of ease. And, since it is chamber pop: Hark, the strings soar and the fair maiden’s wistful voice is layered in rapturous harmony; this is true splendor.

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